
  • Changing young peoples' attitudes about science, space, sustainability through engagement

    Organisation: University of Southern Queensland

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 3

    The Space & Sustainability Conference is a community event that engages primary children, highlighting astronauts and astronomers understanding of the universe. Guest speakers from Space Explorations Technologies and NASA provide visual examples of the impact of scientific activities in space on a sustainable life on earth. Students and teachers engage in activities about atoms, elements and the periodic table to understand how being involved in science can make a difference in their lives and community.

  • Ground Truth

    Organisation: StarSapphire Productions Pty Ltd

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 3

    This project uses digital media to communicate the science of spatial data that empirically tracks changes to our landscape. Ground Truth is a series of time-lapse films sourced from 30 years of satellite imagery of Queensland. Compiled by remote-sensing scientists and visualisation experts, these touch-sensitive immersive films will entertain communities around the state during the 2018 World Science Festival. An accompanying webpage and TV portal will engage students and the general public in a citizen science project where science experts show how to 'ground truth' satellite imagery and use open source data to create time-lapse films of our local areas.

  • WIO Weather and Environmental Station Platform

    Organisation: Refactor Pty Ltd

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 3

    In collaboration with Gold Coast TechSpace and Gold Coast Libraries we have been working on a connected Weather and Environmental station that can be easily deployed to community buildings. Along with the electronics hardware, there is also a software component where the data collected can be used for citizen science research. Most weather stations collect basic information such as temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind speed, but we also aim to collect other interesting information such as harmful gases and environmental readings.

  • Rolling Stories: Table-top role playing games for engaging students in science

    Organisation: Queensland University of Technology

    Amount: $9,980

    Round 3

    The Rolling Stories project turns the Queensland Government call to target media which are supportive of 'science stories' into a design activity where scientists are encouraged to both tell their stories and communicate them through creating table-top role playing games and then playing them with students. The project expects outcomes in terms of increased engagement through the workshop series and long-lasting outcomes in the form of table-top role playing game books that can then be shared and re-used in educational and professional contexts.

  • Flatback Bivouac Camp

    Organisation: Queensland Trust for Nature

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 3

    Flatback Bivouac runs for 3 days at Avoid Island, an uninhabited island south of Mackay and critical nesting habitat for the vulnerable fatback turtle. Students will work alongside respected turtle researchers to better understand the life-cycles of marine species. Delivered by Wonder of Science (WoS) and supported by QTFN, Flatback Bivouac provides students with hands on experiences, observing turtles laying, scientific data collection and recording techniques. This rewarding and unforgettable experience embeds interest in scientific research, conservation land management and marine ecology in students' lives, and extraordinary opportunities to learn about and participate in conservation of protected areas and species.

  • The Secret Life of Coral

    Organisation: Ingham State School

    Amount: $9,900

    Round 3

    The Secret Life of Coral combines cutting-edge science, storytelling and artistic activities to educate and engage year 3-8 school children about the symbiotic partnerships within each coral polyp on the Great Barrier Reef. Four full-day workshop programs will begin with a combined-group narration of the coral-science-adventure story Zobi and the Zoox, followed by scientist-led discussions on coral and coral bleaching. Afterwards, students break into smaller groups to rotate through a series of activities.

  • Moreton Bay Science Online

    Organisation: Griffith University

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 3

    Moreton Bay Science Online is dedicated to celebrating the marine science that shapes our social, cultural and economic pursuits in Moreton Bay. It also reveals the Queensland scientists who are helping build the worldwide body of marine ecological knowledge. It is a strategic science-communication campaign about Moreton Bay science and scientists will be measured for effectiveness in increasing public knowledge and increasing support for marine management initiatives.

  • RoboTECH

    Organisation: Greenmount Primary P&C Association

    Amount: $9,591

    Round 3

    RoboTECH is a 10-week program where students will engage with STEM resources and activities using multiple technologies and platforms, robotics, electronics, engineering and craft. Implemented across our whole-of-school community, RoboTECH will promote hands-on learning experiences for students while increasing their STEM knowledge and capabilities through problem-solving tasks.

  • Indigenous Girls in STEM

    Organisation: Gordonvale State High School

    Amount: $8,810

    Round 3

    Our mission is to promote STEM as a highly interactive and enjoyable field of study that will lead students to a myriad of career pathways. Through this we hope to encourage more young female Indigenous students to select senior STEM subjects in their senior phase of learning. This pilot project is to provide students opportunities to interact with STEM mentors from school, community (both Indigenous and wider), industry and tertiary institutions.


    Organisation: Cleveland State School

    Amount: $8,335

    Round 3

    The STEAM-ATHLON is an initiative of Cleveland State School involving 7 schools. This academic triathlon is made up of 3 tasks that are centred around science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM), designed to challenge, engage, enrich and celebrate our students. Cleveland State School has partnered with Sea World Research and Rescue Foundation to host the event. A Marine Education Officer will deliver a presentation to open the event on 10 October 2017. This presentation will be the foundation of all challenges.

  • Drone Station Challenge

    Organisation: Boyne Island State School

    Amount: $2,820

    Round 3

    Four drone stations will be set up in our school hall. Various challenges will be set for students to engage in and use their knowledge in STEM to complete the task set at each station. The challenges will involve drones delivering packages, drones surveying farm lands (focussing on specific areas affected following a disaster), underwater drones and an open station for students to design their own drone and challenge.

  • Coastal Protection Core Science Festival

    Organisation: Australian Coastal Protection Core

    Amount: $9,650

    Round 3

    Australian Coastal Protection Core will host a Science Festival at Scarborough, involving fun, educational programs and workshops targeted at school years 3-6 within the Moreton Bay Regional Council catchment. Australian coastal and marine ecology professional scientists and Australian Coastal Protection Core teachers and educators will deliver workshops, presentations and hands-on practical activities for the community with the aim of inspiring future scientists to develop solutions to our most complex environmental challenges.

  • Spark Engineering Camp

    Organisation: Youth without Borders

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Spark Engineering Camp is an initiative run by volunteer university students. The camp brings high school students of years 10 to 12 to experience university life at The University of Queensland for 1 week. The high school students chosen to go on this camp are students from indigenous, rural and/or economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The camp's purpose is to promote a career pathway in STEM by immersing students in activities which not only challenge their knowledge, but also their leadership, team-working skills and creativity.

  • Makerspace project

    Organisation: Windsor State School

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    The Makerspace project will develop a dedicated space filled with equipment to support engagement with STEM concepts in a fun and interesting environment. The project is focused on primary-aged children and community members in Brisbane and will be a partnership with local schools and the Queensland Academy of Creative Industries.

  • Foods for health

    Organisation: University of Southern Queensland

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) is researching using functional foods to treat chronic diseases associated with ageing. Prof Grant Pierce from St Boniface Research Hospital, Winnipeg, Canada will be visiting USQ in September to share his expertise on linseed. Public lectures on functional foods will be held in Toowoomba and Ipswich while schools visits in Ipswich and Toowoomba will also take place. In addition, Prof Pierce will visit several farmers on the Darling Downs who are interested in growing functional foods.

  • Project Kimberley: Wildlife in virtual reality

    Organisation: Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    The Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group has partnered with the Information Technology Academy at James Cook University to create the world's first 3D virtual reality tree-kangaroo. It is called Kimberley after her real-life model, a hand raised, semi-wild Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo. The 3D simulation project aims to address conservation issues for schools and local youth groups by using new technologies. This project will further develop the Kimberley proof-of-concept to enable interactions with the public. Ultimately, Kimberley will be set up in visitor centres and will be able to taken to schools, science expos or open days.

  • 3 Fast Fun & Educational iToons (Informational Cartoons)

    Organisation: Tarampa Studios

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Cartoons captivate young minds, engage creative thinking and stimulate outside-of-the-box thinking. Everything looks more fun and exciting as a cartoon-even the most complex theories! Voiceovers with familiar actors and notable scientists will help engage a wide audience to explore STEM subjects. The cartoons with cute critters and famous historic mathematicians and scientists will be made available to schools and home-schooled students for free online.

  • SLQ Fun Palace

    Organisation: State Library of Queensland

    Amount: $9,950

    Round 2

    Fun Palace is an annual, free, global celebration linking the arts, sciences and education over a weekend in October, with a mission to encourage communities to create by, and for, themselves. A key focus of the State Library of Queensland (SLQ) Fun Palace program is encouraging young people and their families to engage with science, technology, engineering, arts and maths (STEAM) activities in a fun, non-threatening and all-inclusive environment with high profile science educators.

  • STEM in Action forum

    Organisation: Science Teachers' Association of Queensland

    Amount: $8,465

    The STEM in Action forum will involve 2 complementary events-workshop forum and interactive industry engagement sessions, followed by an informal panel discussion presented by engaging industry and academic STEM professionals. The workshops aim to provide in-depth knowledge about cutting-edge applications within STEM. The evening event 'Making Waves in STEM' will consist of a moderated panel discussion of engaging STEM professionals who will share their stories about their career journeys and current professional/research roles.


    Organisation: Rockhampton State High School

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Rockhampton State High School's EXCEL program (Excellence Challenge Enquiry Learning) is focused on incorporating STEM learning experiences to its students. This purpose of the program is to:
    - implement effective STEM resources and practices into current curriculum programs
    - provide hands-on learning experiences
    - help students to further develop inquiry skills through problem solving tasks.

    Our target audience for the EXCEL program is to attract local students to connect with other like-minded students.

  • Making connections with Moreton Bay marine science

    Organisation: Reef Check Australia

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    This project will develop science communications approaches to help communities connect with the unique subtropical reef communities of Moreton Bay through the Reef Ambassadors program. Reef Ambassadors are trained community members who actively share information about local reefs at events and inspire communities to better understand and protect local marine environments. The project involves:
    - message development about Moreton Bay marine science concepts, reef health and our citizen science survey findings
    - field trip to visit local reefs
    - science communications workshop
    - trial messages and resources at 10 community events
    - evaluation.

  • Tropical Homes Superhero Challenge

    Organisation: Queensland University of Technology

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    The Tropical Homes Superhero Challenge will make heat visible by engaging Townsville building trades and residents in the science of thermography. In October workshops at Bunnings stores will be conducted by a QUT scientist to demonstrate how heat transfers through buildings and impacts on comfort and appliances. Training will be provided in the use of thermal imaging devices and a number of these devices will be available for loan at Bunnings. Participants will be encouraged to document the 'energy vampires' in their homes through lifestyle/thermal images, short video clips, comic strips, animations and social media and submitted to an online portal as part of the challenge.

  • INSPIRE (Implementing Novel STEM Partnerships In Rural Education)

    Organisation: Queensland University of Technology

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Applications for INSPIRE will be taken from final year Biomedical Science and Medical Laboratory Science students at QUT. Three successful applicants will be selected according to the best written and oral responses and matched with mentors of senior postgraduate students or postdoctoral researchers. After a 1 day training workshop on teaching methods, the undergraduate and their mentor will attend rural and remote communities of Normanton, Mt Isa and Kingaroy to teach science to year 9 and 10 students and deliver interactive workshops at local community centres.

  • Human clinical trials: Essential science not crazy drug testing

    Organisation: Queensland University of Technology

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    The project aims to educate the Australian public that clinical trials are an opportunity for all Australians to contribute to science and to change the public's perception that trials are risky. The project will consist of an online educational campaign which will precede a physical presence at one of South East Queensland's largest sporting events, the 'Tough Mudder' running race.

  • Effectively engaging the public on advanced biotechnologies

    Organisation: Queensland University of Technology

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Advanced biotechnologies such as genome editing for the production of new foods, fuels and chemicals could revolutionise the social, environmental and economic landscape. Queensland researchers are developing innovative solutions and need to engage the wider community (law-makers, media and the general public) to develop the legal and social licence needed for acceptance and adoption. The project provides researcher training and engagement opportunities for advanced biotechnologies.

  • Small schools science touring

    Organisation: Queensland Music Festival

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Reef Up! will be a professional production with cutting edge science-communicated in an accessible, fun and educational way to ensure young people can learn about what is happening to the coral reefs globally and what we can do to help. Developed in collaboration with leading Queensland scientists, it combines dance and drama with scientific messages and is supported by teacher resources. Reef Up! will tour during October and November to schools in Coastal Queensland, from the Gold Coast to Alexandra Bay in the Daintree. The project will target smaller schools with this science incursion.

  • Ocean to Outback roadshow

    Organisation: Ocean Life Education

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    The project "Ocean to Outback" will engage students and the community in rural areas, specifically the Western Downs regional area, delivering fun marine education. Marine educators will arrive with fascinating live marine animals, artefacts, games and information, blending hands-on interaction with science and entertainment.

  • 'Cool coding and robotics' for National Science Week

    Organisation: Noosa Shire Council

    Amount: $6,476

    Round 2

    Through 'Cool Coding and Robotics', Noosa Library Service encourages the local community to engage and participate in STEM through a series of fun and practical coding and robotics workshops. Held during National Science Week, this week-long program promotes hands-on experiences about programming and robotics and provides an informal learning experience that may spark people's interest in science and technology and inspire them to study a STEM-related career.

  • Overboard and underwater: The science of life in the bay

    Organisation: Healthy Waterways and Catchments

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Local scientists, students and teachers will be brought together to explore how to use science to protect local marine environments and habitat. Three science in the field voyages, involving 120 students, will be held involving practical hands-on activities exploring the values of Moreton Bay and problem solving with scientists how to develop real world solutions using science. Each voyage will focus on a different theme:
    - seagrass and its role in water quality
    - culture and science
    - marine debris on local sea turtles species.

  • That's RAD! Science Series

    Organisation: Griffith University

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    This project will support the creation of a series of illustrated children's books (for children aged 5-9) that showcase Queensland women in STEM and their exciting fields and careers. The 3 books, developed in collaboration with Queensland women in STEM, will be distributed free to approximately 250 Queensland schools and will focus on these themes:
    - parasites
    - amazing nanoparticles including why butterfly wing have such vivid colours
    - nanoparticle 'robots' used for environmental sensing science detective (forensics) or engineering.

  • AgriTech

    Organisation: Glasshouse Country Christian College

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Students will engage with farmers, in conjunction with the local agronomist and grower associations, and consult with them about providing mapping, electromagnetic and other surveys of their property. Conducting the surveys will teach students how to program and fly a drone and acquire mapping imagery and relevant data. Farmers and interested parties will be invited to attend these drone mapping days. Once all data is obtained, students will analyse the imagery and provide feedback about what they have found at a community event.

  • Geological Society of Australia Earth Sciences Student Symposium

    Organisation: Geological Society of Australia

    Amount: $7,300

    Round 2

    This initiative is designed to bring students and young researchers from around Queensland to present new research, technologies and ideas about earth science. This is a student organised and run symposium designed to allow students to develop their science communication skills, facilitate peer learning and enjoy networking. This symposium, free to students, will enable PhD, masters, honours and undergraduate earth science students to present advancing research to their peers and industry.

  • Maintaining a community oyster gardening initiative for shellfish reefs

    Organisation: Digsfish Services

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Pumicestone Passage has been identified as a priority area for restoring shellfish reef habitat on Australia's east coast. Australia's first community-based oyster gardening program on Bribie Island has been established by recruiting residents to grow oysters which will eventually be used for experimental trials to restore shellfish reefs.

  • Science on the fly: Drones in agriculture

    Organisation: Conservation Farmers Inc.

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Three workshops will be delivered in Roma, Dalby and Emerald to connect farmers face-to-face with leading drone scientist, Dr Catherine Ball. The workshops will provide independent, practical and current information on the risks, benefits, regulatory requirements and agricultural adaptations of drones. The workshops aim to improve farmer knowledge and confidence in adopting this great science.

  • S.T.E.A.M Conference "Discover-Design-Drive"

    Organisation: Adolescent Success

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    Adolescent Success invites Queensland middle years students to engage in a global connection with keynote speaker and inventor, Kevin Honeycutt to work on a STEAM project to create a 'Mars Space Station', culminating in a display at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. Students will work on an ongoing project throughout the term with Kevin and then attend a student conference where they participate in creative workshops and hear from engaging speakers and complete their 'Mars Space Station' project in the maker space.

  • Rolling into the future: Reducing agricultural soil compaction

    Organisation: "Conservation Farmers "

    Amount: $9,420

    Round 2

    This project will deliver 3 workshops (Roma, St George and Jimbour) that will connect farmers face-to-face with soil scientists and on-farm tyre expert, Graham Betts. The workshops will provide independent, practical and current information on the issue of soil compaction, solutions and benefits of improved tyre management. This aims to improve farmer knowledge and confidence in adopting this science.

  • Every student coding by 2020: South Burnett Region

    Organisation: Coding Kids

    Amount: $9,600

    Round 2

    This project will visit the South Burnett region over 2 days to deliver coding and robotics workshops for children, parents, teachers and librarians. The aim of the workshops are to foster interest in digital literacy and technology creation.

  • Bush science: Saluting scientists in rural Queensland

    Organisation: Central Highlands Science Centre

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    This project will make the public aware of where science can take you in the outback via short and engaging stories told by real scientists. These 'Science Snapshots' will also help educate school leavers wanting a career in science by informing them of science-related job opportunities outside of the state's metropolitan areas. The project involves filming engaging local science stories and 'did you know science' facts about science in Queensland and sharing them on social media.

  • Let's Get Dirty

    Organisation: Australian Society of Soil Science Inc.

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 2

    The project uses art to communicate complex scientific ideas to highlight the importance of soils and show the ways in which science and soils are part of our everyday lives. "Let's Get Dirty" will be a 6-month artist in residence program. An artist will be paired with a Queensland university to work collaboratively with soil scientists and researchers in developing their work, which will culminate in an Art in Soils exhibition.

  • Science Rocks!

    Organisation: Central Queensland University

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    Science Rocks! is an exciting engagement project created by Central Queensland University to connect with students from 7 high schools and involve them in dynamic, hands-on science based activities at CQU Bundaberg campus.  It will build capacity of University Science staff to develop teaching skills to deliver science activities for students from Years 7-12, assist staff in developing appropriate and interactive science activities, and deliver the activities to celebrate Science Week 2017.

  • Science club assistant volunteer pilot program

    Organisation: Central Highlands Science Centre Inc.

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    Central Highlands Science Centre (CHSC) is a grassroots non-profit that delivers innovative out-of-school, community-led STEM programs and learning experiences to children living in regional Queensland. The centre's highly successful after-school science club program (6-12 year olds) requires a pool of enthusiastic volunteers to assist science educators deliver each 5 week program. This pilot aims to develop a new volunteer model that recruits, trains and supports high school students to participate in and lead hands-on, STEM-based activities.

  • Toowoomba STEM Enrichment Hub

    Organisation: Centenary Heights SHS

    Amount: $17,097

    Round 1

    Toowoomba STEM Enrichment Hub will be a pivotal resource in the development of a whole-school and community approach to driving the STEM agenda for our students and our regional community. It will be the space where ideas can be researched, constructed, tested and implemented. It will be supported by existing on-line and virtual resources. The Hub will operate at Centenary Heights State High School, steered by staff, students and parents in partnership with community experts and organisations.

  • The Secret Life of Science!

    Organisation: Bennyk Enterprises

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    The short film expose, The Secret Life of Science, features the professional and personal lives of everyday Sunshine Coast women researchers involved in world-class STEM activities. The fun and informative video explores diversity in STEM women, and breaks down the stigmas of work-life balance and unsexy science, by introducing amazing women from various stages of their STEM careers. Personal interviews will showcase highlights of their work alongside a secret glimpse into their lives.

  • Gardening scientifically

    Organisation: Aspley Special School

    Amount: $8,600

    Round 1

    All students at Aspley Special School have a disability. The school's gardens are hands-on Makerspaces where the students come together to learn, use materials and develop their STEM knowledge to grow foods for hospitality. This project adds a higher level and greater integration of STEM knowledge and skills for the students. They will measure, collect, record and analyse data on moisture levels in soil to determine the watering required for ideal growth. This project will increase the number of students engaging in this space and therefore participating in STEM.

  • Soapbox Science Townsville 2017: promoting women in science in regional Queensland

    Organisation: The University of Queensland

    Amount: $9,900

    Round 1

    Soapbox Science is a public engagement event, which promotes STEM women scientists to a wide audience and challenges the stereotypes of what a scientist does and looks like. After a successful first ever Soapbox Science event in Australia, held in Brisbane in 2016, UQ will bring this initiative to Far North Queensland for National Science Week 2017. By organising an event in Townsville UQ will be able to reach an audience that may not be exposed to science events like these as often.

  • Science for decision makers

    Organisation: The Royal Society of Queensland

    Amount: $7,500

    Round 1

    The Royal Society will host a series of short courses aimed at improving the confidence of senior leaders in business, government and academe in briefing their organisations on science-related subjects. Policy experts will present a mix of lectures, field activities and round-table discussions including case studies, to demonstrate how evidence-based science can inform policy and decision-making and give participants the tools to apply scientific method to issues within their circles.

  • AIMS Science Days

    Organisation: The Australian Institute of Marine Science

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    The 'AIMS Science Days' event will be held at the AIMS headquarters located in Cape Ferguson, about 50 km from Townsville's CBD. It is adjacent to the centre of the Great Barrier Reef and surrounded by a 207 hectare national park and marine reserve. Participants will be provided with access to a range of facilities including specialised laboratories, including the one-of-a-kind National Sea Simulator and the newly refurbished Library with its visually rich interpretive display.

  • Water Quality Monitoring

    Organisation: Stanley River Environmental Education Centre

    Amount: $9,957

    Round 1

    Stanley River Environmental Education Centre (SREEC) will work with SEQ schools to learn about the physiochemistry of water. Students will use new electronic data logging software and probes to enable faster and more accurate collection allowing for students to be more engaged in critical analysis. Activities using the equipment will take place at Stanley River EEC, and numerous locations in the natural environment including but not limited to Lake Somerset, Brisbane River (Main and east and west Branches), Lake Wivenhoe, and the Stanley river. The Equipment will also be used as part of the Bunya to bay project in 2018, a journey which takes place biennually traversing the entire length of the Brisbane River from source to its mouth, Moreton bay.

  • Year 7 STEM makerspace project

    Organisation: Runcorn State High School

    Amount: $9,000

    Round 1

    Year 7 students at Runcorn SHS will be involved in a STEM Makerspace Project. A Makerspace is a place where students come together to use and learn to use, materials, and develop creative projects. Students will be involved in an 8 week program where they will engage in STEM related activities ranging from coding, programming, robotics, electronics, craft and lego creation. Kuraby State School students will join the program towards the end with the 2 schools working in partnership.

  • Day in the life of a scientist

    Organisation: QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    Senior biology students from the Moreton region will be able to visit Queensland's institute for medical research - QIMR Berghofer. The day trip will give them the opportunity to conduct experiments in the Education Laboratory, hear about the latest in medical research, and learn about career paths and university study options in scientific research.

  • Queensland Brain Bee Challenge

    Organisation: QBI - The University of Queensland

    Amount: $9,600

    Round 1

    The Australia Brain Bee Challenge (ABBC) started in Queensland in 2006 by Professor Linda Richards at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), University of Queensland. More than 1500 Queensland students complete Round 1 in this neuroscience competition and they come from all regions of the state. Round 2 is held at QBI featuring a test for students followed by tours and group activities to determine an Australian finalist. This event engages students, teachers and parents.

  • Outback Paleo to Present

    Organisation: Outback Gondwana Foundation Ltd

    Amount: $9,835

    Round 1

    Bringing together the science, people & the Outback. In South West Queensland exciting scientific discoveries are happening in the world of vertebrate palaeontology & natural history. This project will bring this science to our remote Queensland communities, schools & visitors, right where the dinosaur & megafauna discoveries are being made.  Palaeontologists, geologists & Eromanga Natural History Museum staff will engage with school, local & wider community members, inspiring them to find out more.

  • Mapping Mithaka Country

    Organisation: Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    Mithaka received consent determination October 2015. An Anthropologist, a community RTA, a local shire and Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation have teamed up to provide a Certificate II in Anthropology for local community members to train them in how to identify, understand, map and record their sites of significance. The program is also open to young people on stations and towns within Mithaka Country.

  • Full STEaM Ahead!

    Organisation: Margaret Mary Fairhurst - Trading as Oreval

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    Introducing children to professionals that are solving problems today will stimulate the natural curiosity of children, building their confidence and desire to help solve the problems of tomorrow. Full STEaM Ahead! channels the natural curiosity of young minds towards STEM subjects through engaging with interesting scientists, engineers and others working with STEM subjects in their respective careers, giving children access to professional STEM role models who are not part of their daily environment.

  • Game design engaging students in Queensland's unique biodiversity

    Organisation: Marcy, Ariel (Steam Galaxy Studios)

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    Steam Galaxy Studios will create a free online game design platform catalyzing student engagement with Queensland's Great Barrier Reef, iconic wildlife, and Riversleigh fossils. Students will design versions of Go Extinct!, Ariel Marcy's (US-Aus Fulbright Scholar & UQ PhD candidate) award-winning board game. Students will learn how to read evolutionary trees, synthesize local research, produce citizen science, and engage with a profound scientific idea: that life, despite dazzling diversity, shares common ancestors.

  • She Flies: Using drones to build STEM confidence in girls

    Organisation: James Cook University

    Amount: $9,980

    Round 1

    The new drone economy is estimated to be worth US 20B pa by 2020, providing 10% of future jobs. Australia leads the world in non-defence applications of drone technology. Yet women and girls are largely missing from this important emerging sector (

  • AB3 - Australian Backyard Bird Box: Connecting School Students to the Environment

    Organisation: James Cook University

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    AB3 (an internet of things (IoT) device with a touch screen) will be deployed in Townsville schools. AB3 will: provide games to encourage students to learn local bird calls; record bird calls within the school area; encourage students to identify the recorded calls; and send these identified calls over the internet to help researcher to develop tools for monitor bird diversity. AB3 will leverage students' like of technology and animals to engage them with STEM, their local environment, and local research activities.

  • STEM Alpha Kids

    Organisation: Independent Schools Queensland

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    Innovative technologies, professional learning sessions and a STEM kit of resources will provide the basis for students and teachers to participate in fun, hands-on science and technology activities in independent schools in 11 regional areas of Queensland. Schools will join with their local libraries to share the fun and learning with parents and the wider community. At the end of the project there will be a virtual STEMkidsCon (conference) to celebrate science engagement.

  • DAF Hermitage Research Facility Schools Plant Science Competition

    Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    The DAF Hermitage Research Facility Schools Plant Science Competition provides students from years P-12 the opportunity to participate in a stimulating, hands-on, agricultural science project each year.  The competition's aim is to encourage young people to develop an interest in science and agriculture and to promote science and agriculture as an exciting career choice.  A large range of prizes are offered to winning students and are presented at an annual Awards Day & Ag Science Expo.

  • Science to the Sea

    Organisation: Cooktown State School

    Amount: $10,000

    Round 1

    This is a 3 day event that includes university STEM lecturers to foster further STEM engagement in the Cooktown community.

    The breakdown of the three days is as follows:

    Day 1: Official opening, afternoon science fair and dinner with key note speaker

    Day 2: STEM Science visits to schools including Cooktown State School, Holy Cross and Endeavour Christian College and STEM community forum.

    Day 3: STEM Robotics and engineering workshop and mini design challenge to be lead by a robotics lecturer.