Frequently asked questions

What is the Queensland Science Collaboration Gateway?

The Queensland Science Collaboration Gateway is not a grants or funding program or an evaluation or assessment process; it provides a coordinated gateway to government.

Who can use the Queensland Science Collaboration Gateway?

It is desirable that the lead applicant be a Queensland-based university or research institute (companies and individuals cannot apply) with an ABN and be GST-registered.

How were the in-scope funding schemes or programs selected?

The in-scope funding programs and schemes meet the following criteria:

  • Public calls for proposals - the funding scheme must have a public-facing announcement inviting submissions or applications.
  • Collaborative - applications or submissions to the funding scheme or program must involve at least one partner organisation.
  • Significant financial support - the funding scheme is likely to attract projects worth $5 million or more in cash, not including in-kind contributions.
  • Alignment with science priorities - the funding scheme or programs supports projects that hold the potential to align with the Queensland Government's science priorities.

How are requests to present to the Interdepartmental Science Committee made?

An online request form will be available at the start of the next Queensland Science Collaboration Gateway round.

What occurs at a presentation session?

Bid leads and/or relevant representatives will deliver an online presentation to the Interdepartmental Science Committee. Presentations will be strictly limited to 20 minutes, after which members may seek further information. Within three to four weeks, each team will be advised which agencies are interested in providing in-principal support.

Do organisations need to go through the Queensland Science Collaboration Gateway in order to apply for funding support from government?

Participation in the Gateway is not mandatory.

Applications to grant or funding programs delivered by Queensland Government departments are assessed and awarded independently of the Queensland Science Collaboration Gateway.

Does the Queensland Science Collaboration Gateway have any influence over decisions made by Queensland Government departments?

No, the individual government department will make a decision about supporting a particular proposal and they may do that individually or together with any number of other departments.

Delivery of a presentation to the Interdepartmental Science Committee does not guarantee feedback or funding.

Which Queensland Government agencies are represented on the Interdepartmental Science Committee?

  • Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
  • Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
  • Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Energy and Climate
  • Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
  • Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
  • Department of Justice and Attorney General
  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Department of Resources
  • Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
  • Department of State Development and Infrastructure
  • Department of Tourism and Sport
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts
  • Department of Youth Justice
  • Inspector-General Emergency Management
  • Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist
  • Queensland Health
  • Queensland Treasury
  • Trade and Investment Queensland

How can I find out more information?
